Are There Alternatives To A Traditional Root Canal?

Root Canal Model

The root canal: This common procedure performed by periodontists probably has none of the characteristics you might expect. To begin with, a root canal should never cause pain, despite its reputation. The pain happens before the root canal because of the infected pulp in the middle of the tooth. 

Secondly, root canals save teeth. In fact, most dental professionals encourage patients to avoid extraction whenever possible, including when a root canal is warranted. Finally, root canals do not have to involve a traditional dentist’s drill. Today, most advanced dental practices prefer to use lasers for their many advantages.


What Is a Laser-Assisted Root Canal?

To understand the value of a root canal performed with the help of laser technology, you deserve a primer on the basics of the treatment. After examining the tooth using diagnostics, your periodontist may recommend scheduling a root canal. Before the root canal, the affected area will be numbed using a local anesthetic. You may need other sedation choices, depending upon your dental anxiety or other factors.

During the root canal, you will feel no discomfort as the periodontist uses a laser to make a hole in the infected tooth. The hole allows access to the infected pulp and nerves. The periodontist will continue to use the laser to precisely remove destroyed pulp from inside the tooth. The tooth will then be cleansed, sanitized, and packed with a temporary substance.

In about a week or so, you will return to the office for a second visit. Again, you will receive numbing agents to make the process simple and pain-free. During the second appointment, the temporary substance will be removed from your tooth. This allows your periodontist to make sure the infection is gone.

If any infected pulp remains, the periodontist can again use the laser. After more sanitizing solution, the tooth will be filled in with a permanent, tooth-colored substance. You may also receive a specially constructed dental crown to cover your natural tooth, if desired. Not once will a noisy drill be needed!


Do Root Canals Always Work?

Occasionally, root canals do not remove all the infected pulp and the tooth begins to hurt again. In that case, patients may want to visit a different periodontist for re-treatment with a laser. The re-treatment procedure follows the same basic steps as any other root canal. However, some re-treatments do require an appointment or two, just to make sure the infection is fully gone.


The bottom line is that if you need a root canal in San Antonio, TX and you want a contemporary solution that involves high-tech tools and techniques, trust a periodontist who specializes in laser therapies and treatments. Dr. Andrew J. Weber of Excellent Dental Specialists has years of expertise using the PerioLase® MVP-7™ dental laser for multiple treatments, including root canals. Dr. Weber has focused his career on bringing patients top-line solutions for all their smile concerns.

Call our doctors, Dr. Andrew J. WeberDr. Kent Hamilton, and Dr. John Kum, today at our phone number, (210) 598-8933, if you are interested in learning more about a laser root canal at our office in New Braunfels, TX to schedule a consultation today!

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