Dental Implants
Tooth loss is a major issue that affects your whole life. Missing teeth affect the appearance of your smile as well as your confidence. Losing your teeth impacts your abilities to bite, chew, and speak properly. Replacing your missing teeth is essential for restoring the functions of your mouth and your quality of life. Dental implants are a highly popular treatment for replacing teeth, offering an alternative to traditional treatments. While they involve a more invasive procedure, they offer numerous benefits. However, the process to get your final teeth often takes several weeks to several months following dental implant surgery. At Excellent Dental Specialists, we can place your new teeth the same day with teeth in one day.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an alternative treatment for replacing missing teeth, providing another option aside from dentures or bridges. This versatile treatment uses titanium posts, which are surgically implanted directly into your jawbone. As you heal from your procedure, the bone begins to fuse with the posts, gradually integrating them into your jaw. When you have fully healed, the posts provide strong, stable support for your replacement teeth.

What Are Dental Implants?

Normally, after you have undergone dental implant surgery, temporary teeth are set into place on your implant posts while you heal. Once you have healed, a process that can take several weeks to several months, then the process for creating your final replacement crowns begins. This process typically takes two separate appointments. During your first appointment, impressions of your mouth are taken. These impressions are sent to a dental lab, where the teeth are designed and created. This process can take up to two weeks. Once the teeth are ready, you have your second appointment, where the teeth are checked for fit and screwed into place.
With teeth in one day, you do not have to wait potentially several months before you get your final restorations. Instead, your final replacement teeth are set in place right after implant surgery. Instead of waiting until after you have healed from implant surgery to take impressions of your mouth, impressions are taken before surgery. Using specialized software, we can design replacement teeth that will fit perfectly in your mouth, based on the exact specifications of your mouth. Your teeth are then created before the day of your surgery and are waiting for you when arriving for your procedure. In just one day, you leave with perfectly fitting, perfectly natural looking teeth.

Benefits Of Teeth In One Day

Teeth in a day provide the same amazing benefits as regular dental implants. They are comfortable, look completely natural, are easy to take care of, and help to protect the strength and shape of your jawbone. There are also several other benefits associated with this particular procedure.
If you are missing teeth, dental implants can restore the functions of those teeth, your smile, and your quality of life. Moreover, with teeth in a day, you can get your permanent replacement teeth the same day as your surgery. For more information, and to find out if teeth in a day are right for you, contact us today.