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When it comes to medical history, few things are as prolific as the idea of sedation before medical care. The idea that patients should be either put to sleep completely or, at the very least, sufficiently numbed is one that has long been held to be an important truth in the medical field. The field of dentistry is no exception to this rule. As far back as 1842, dentists have been helping their patients get through various procedures and surgeries using different forms of anesthetic. When you have to get a dental procedure done and are worried about the sedation process, it’s normal to be anxious. At Excellent Dental Specialists, however, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible, both before and after you enter our office. Let’s take a look at IV sedation and what you can expect.

What Is IV Sedation?

IV sedation is a relatively simple and commonly used way to administer anesthetics to patients. It has been a popular form of anesthesia in dentistry since at least 1935, and continues to be an important and safe way to help patients get through procedures. IV sedation can also be used when it comes to patients who are too anxious to even consider entering a dentist’s office. IV sedation can help calm that anxiety and work to make you feel more comfortable in order to receive the dental care you deserve without harming your emotional state.

IV Sedation Versus General Anesthesia

There are a few things to keep in mind about IV sedation. The first is that it is does not produce the exact same effects as general anesthesia. When you are given general anesthesia, you are completely asleep. You are not able to be woken up until the effects wear off. This is the kind of anesthetic used for medical procedures like major surgery. Think about how long some of those procedures take, and you’ll have a better idea about just how strong general anesthesia is. In addition to its strength, general anesthesia is also a bit more stressful on your body than simple IV sedation. That’s why you need additional support to maintain a clear airway and monitor vitals during general anesthesia.
IV sedation, on the other hand, is a much safer option. Instead of going completely under, you will be put into a more comfortable and safer “semi-awake” state. This means that you might not fall asleep, but you are also likely to have very little memory of the dental procedure performed during the time you were receiving the IV sedation. It’s a good compromise between going into a complete state of sleep and not receiving any sedation whatsoever. IV sedation allows you to keep control of your vitals and, therefore, you can do important things like maintaining your own airway, too.
If you are in need of a dentist that offers safe IV sedation techniques in order to manage your anxiety or to help you get through dental procedures, contact us today. We are experienced in administering IV sedation and would be happy to discuss your options with you. Contact us!