Digital radiography is perhaps one of the most innovative and important recent developments in the dental profession. Digital radiographs are digital images of your teeth (for example) that offer a surprising amount of detail as well as the ability to be enhanced. Unlike x-rays that are done using old fashioned film, digital x-rays are able to be colorized, zoomed, magnified, or sharpened. These are all tools that work to help enhance the images in question, but without altering the actual image data. That means that we can enhance your digital x-rays without worrying about actually altering the information that it provides.
When you come in for a visit with us, you are trying to maintain good oral health. Should we find an issue throughout the course of your visit, then you are probably going to want to have that diagnosed as quickly and accurately as possible so that we can begin working on a personalized treatment plan to help fix the situation, right? This is where digital radiographs come in! Much like traditional x-rays, digital x-rays work to take images of your teeth that help us better understand exactly what is going on with them. Even better, digital radiography can do all of this at a fraction of the radiation that normal x-rays expose you to. This is particularly important if you are going to have to have a number of imaging services done, as you will want to reduce the amount of radiation you expose your body to, to a minimum.
Even after the above information, many individuals will wonder if they really need a dentist who uses digital radiography. At Excellent Dental Specialists, we think that you deserve access to a dentist who is willing to use every tool available to help keep your teeth as healthy as possible. That’s one of the reasons why we’re so proud to offer digital radiography as one of our services.
Are you interested in learning more about digital radiography and how it can help with your dental care? Contact us today!