Types of Grafts and Their Uses

Types of Grafts and Their Uses

If you need to have a gum tissue graft, you may be wondering what your options are. There are a few different types of grafts, and each has a specific use. Here’s more information.


Connective-tissue and free gingival grafts

Both of these types of grafts involve removing tissue from elsewhere in your mouth (usually the roof of your mouth) and then stitching it into the area that needs the graft. This is a simple and relatively easy way to perform a graft when the gum tissue surrounding the graft area is not sufficient to provide its own source material.

Pedicle grafts

With a pedicle graft, the gum tissue that is near the graft site is cut and then pulled over in a flap to the area where the graft is needed. It is re-stitched there and once it heals it acts as the gum tissue normally does.

A pedicle graft has the same advantage of a connective tissue graft and a free gingival graft in that it uses your body’s own gum tissue (and thus there is no risk of rejection); however, it is only available if you have ample gum tissue near the area where the graft is needed.


An allograft is used in a situation where you cannot or do not wish to use your own tissue as the grafting tissue. When performing an allograft, your dentist will use donated tissue from another source. The benefit of this is that it is less painful, as there is no need to remove tissue from a donor site in your mouth.


Talk with your dentist

If you need a graft, contact us. We are happy to help you determine which procedure is best for you. We’re here to help, and we look forward to working with you.

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